AKA: The Hermit. Themes: Solitude, introspection, guidance, wisdom, inner searching. Message: Take it easy.
9. Honey
Bees work tirelessly to produce honey. Industrious effort, complex roles and a resolute work commitment. It's a nonstop collaborative effort to produce something that reminds us: slow down. Honey always moves at its own pace. It takes a long time to make and it certainly takes a long time to move. Ever try to rush honey along its course faster than it was ready to flow? Futilely squeezing the life out of the honey bear? Good luck, my friend. Working with honey asks us to adjust our pace and to take advantage of the power of a pause. Pour yourself a cup of tea, drizzle in some honey, and walk this path at your pace. Does it bring up fear to slow down? Sure, this world demands so much of us. It may even mean you walk alone. If you can get past the fear that comes with pausing and maybe even isolating, does it give you space to see what you hadn’t before? Sometimes it is only in the quiet of stillness and solitude you can find your golden wisdom.
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